About Leah

How I went from an Only Child to Raising a Large Family

So here I was. I had longed to be a mother (and a great one at that)  I had been blessed with a wonderful family and there were days that I did feel truly blessed. But there were also those days that although I never lost sight of the blessing - I wanted to escape to a desert island and not have to so much as interact with another human being for an entire week.

And just imagine. I grew up as an only child! My parents put all of their loving energy into their one and only child. My father being a holocaust survivor, treated me as a miracle that rose from the ashes. Although he has passed on, I feel his deep love for me every single day.

Because I was an only child, I dreamed of having a large family. Well, that dream came true for me when I had six children. Six! However if wasn’t as easy as I thought. And it was exhausting, not to mention expensive! On top of that, being an only child, I had never really seen anyone else be parented. I never experienced  sibling rivalry, and I had no idea about how to take care of everyone’s individual needs.



Wait! Not as Easy as I Thought

On top of that, the laundry, the meals, the organization. I was completely overwhelmed. After all I  had a college degree! Four years earlier I had been teaching young adults in a prestigious, elite boarding school!

Now, living in a foreign country there were days when  I rarely spoke to anyone over the age of four! Of course I spoke to my husband but not until the very end of the day. I struggled to find equilibrium.

But I didn’t realize and build my dream to have it smashed against the rocks. I was determined to make it work. Through my exhaustion, I read every book that I could  get my hands on. I read about education, child development, parenting, organization and time management. I read about parenting according to the principles of Jewish tradition. I attended a parenting institute and became a parenting instructor. I even wrote a children’s book in the process. And eventually got a Master’s in Education.

It was hard, really hard and it wasn’t until I happened to see an advertisement for a parenting class that things really started to turn around for me. I registered for the class and for the first time ever I was able to come together with like-minded mothers, and learn together and go deep into some of the things that were unresolved for me and get right down to the core.

Overwhelm Becomes a Life Passion

I learned more about child development and even more about myself, my parenting style and how to see what my children really needed. I suddenly had support and developed a new perspective on parenting. I grew as a parent, as a spiritual being and developed deep gratitude for the blessings that I had been given. I developed a deep sense of purpose in raising my beautiful children.

In order to survive and thrive, I developed strategies and systems to stay on top of my game. It wasn’t easy but as I became more and more proficient, I grew as a person and passed that on to my children.I am thankful that all of my children are productive and responsible human beings today building their own families.

As I grew as a parent, I developed a passion for parenting.

I took courses to be a parenting leader and later as my kids grew, I went back to school and completed  a Masters degree in education as well as a special ed certification. I developed parenting principles based on my experiences and my rich Jewish heritage.Today, I am a special ed coordinator and teacher and continue to teach other mothers to overcome their parenting challenges.

I know the struggles that Moms face today, wanting to be great parents, have a great family life and contribute to the family income. The time constraints and responsibilities are overwhelming and exhausting! 

And I also understand the struggle of moms that want to be great moms but also want to stay connected to their former selves. Moms that want to  realize their own hopes and dreams and use and develop their talents. And not to mention, maintain a strong emotional connection to their spouses and family.

The Seven Pillars of Parenting

Seem impossible? It’s not, but it does require a shift in mindset. You can create the family of your dreams. You can learn the  principles of parenting based on the wisdom of Jewish principles and Modern-day research. You can feel confident that you are giving your children a solid foundation to guide them throughout life. You can pursue your own dreams without short changing your kids or giving up your dreams.

But hey, no man is an island. It’s really hard to go it alone. My parenting changed dramatically when I had the support of a mentor and a group. You can benefit from my journey, my passion and my 20 years as an experienced educator. I invite you to change your parenting course and gain the confidence, strategies and systems that will help you lead your family. You will connect to your children, connect to your spouse, stay true to yourself  and give your family a rock solid foundation that will support them now and in the future.